The time has come for sneezing, dripping and itchy noses, which can severely affect the well-being and quality of life of sufferers.
Over one in four adults and one in ten children in the UK suffer with hayfever, which is 10 million people, and this number appears to be rising year on year.
‘Hay fever’, is the name given to an allergy caused specifically by pollen, either tree pollen (earlier in the spring) or grass pollen (typically in the summer).
Typical symptoms are inflammation of the nasal passages (rhinitis), eyes (conjunctivitis), airways (allergic bronchitis) and a worsening of asthma or COPD.
We have tips to better manage your hay fever:
- Seek medical advice to make the correct diagnosis;
- Comply with the therapy prescribed by your doctor, this could be anti-histamines, inhalers, nasal steroids or in severe cases short courses of oral steroids;
- Maintain good nasal hygiene, with saline solution or sea water;
- Avoid exposure to allergens where possible by wearing sunglasses, avoiding peak pollen times, avoiding parks and gardens.
- Using air purifiers can be helpful within the house.
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