From puberty through to menopause, women experience diverse and sometimes debilitating gynaecological changes. Especially when you add pregnancy and childbirth into the mix! Your GP is your greatest ally.
Gynaecological health is about far more than just reproduction. It impacts your sex life, being comfortable and confident as you move around and exercise, and hormonal imbalances affecting mental health. It covers not just your internal organs, but also breast health, and issues with your genitals.
If you do have queries or concerns, it’s essential to get help from your GP promptly. This increases the chances of rapid and decision improvement and avoids serious, long term complications.
Family Planning
Taking steps to stay healthy as a young woman can protect your future fertility. Addressing problems quickly can also ensure you benefit from a healthy and successful pregnancy.
Also, your GP guides you towards effective contraceptive that suits your health, preferences or lifestyle.
Sexual health
Enjoying your sex life can mean tackling gynaecology health decisively too. This is not always an easy topic to discuss, but our empathetic GPs have heard it all before!
Discretion and help are also available to test for and treat STIs. Rapid medical intervention leads to a quicker recovery, fewer symptoms and a better understanding.
Hormones and hormone storms
The onset and end of your menstrual cycle bring substantial hormone changes and a raft of physical signs and symptoms.
Consulting a GP to offer advice can make either milestone less stressful and unpleasant. This includes helping to manage period pain, regulating heavy and prolonged periods, and of course hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to make menopause easier.
Having help regulating hormones can also help address some of the more serious repercussions of imbalances, such as diabetes, growth deficiency and high cholesterol.
As you can see, the reasons to seek support from your GP include peace of mind, as well as physical improvements.