The ease and practicality of ordering food these days, increase its affluence. The offer is huge and marketing is designed to attract consumption, which also works very well with children and young people, who end up feeling attracted.
Studies have shown that fast food consumption promotes a reduction in diet quality, also having a strong tendency to increase BMI (reflecting an excessive weight gain). Takeaway food has been a service that has increased alarmingly in recent decades. This data may indicate a severe increase in the rate of childhood obesity in the coming years.
Not all fast food is unhealthy but takeaway food choices are typically very high in calories, saturated and trans fat, carbohydrates, sugar and sodium (salt), and low in fibre, fruits and vegetables. Repeated unhealthy food choices may be a disease reflex in the future. Childhood obesity is now a major public health problem that deserves all the warnings and calls for attention.
Follow your child’s food choices closely.
At the Oval Medical Centre, our nutritionist will be able to give you the advice you are looking for. Your family’s well-being is important to us.