Do you know the health issues you face and the medical tests you should have when you reach 40? We explain health risks, options and advantages.
Booking regular health checks from the age of 30 is a great way to stay ahead of any potential issues. However, medical professionals particularly recommend medical screening become a feature of your life when you reach your 40s.
It’s not that this age is an automatic rite of passage into poor health, of course! It’s simply that statistically, it’s when certain medical conditions start to manifest and become measurable.
Getting regular health tests is like servicing your car. Great peace of mind if all is well, and an opportunity to take action to prevent problems escalating.
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What sort of issues does health screening for over 40s look for?
There’s a list below of health screening services recommended for anyone over 40. What are these tests looking for?
As you may imagine, the impact of your lifestyle starts to leave an imprint when you reach 40. So, your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, weight and general heart functioning need to be checked. Having your BMI (body mass index) is an important way to prevent obesity with all the complications that brings.
Also, this is a good point to start checking blood sugar regularly, as part of diabetes screening for the over 40s.
Screening can lead to lifestyle changes that protect your physical health, such as smoking cessation and improving your diet. What about your mental health?
It’s recommended that the over 40s take time out of their lives to regularly assess their emotional and mental wellbeing. It can address depression, anxiety and any substance dependency issues early, to achieve sustainable recovery.
Health screening services available
The three most frequent tests you need over 40 are:
- Blood sample collection – to look for diverse medical conditions including cancer, infections and high cholesterol levels.
- Urine Analysis – to measure proteins, sugar and any traces of blood, to spot cancer, diabetes, urinary infections and kidney disease.
- Blood Pressure tests – to ensure you’re in a normal range for the over 40s.
Periodically during the year, you’re also wise to invest in:
- Heart Health screening – which may include an ECG (electrocardiogram).
- Liver and kidney function tests – looking for issues like Hepatitis C and B, and a fatty or damaged liver.
- Smear Tests – to identify pre-cancerous cells in a woman’s cervix.
Lung function tests are particularly recommended for long term smokers and ex smokers.
Where to get health checks in London
Getting regular medical tests post-40 is important, but so is good advice on steps to tackle any issues they identify. The bi-lingual private doctors at our London health clinic provide all the guidance you need.